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My Top 10 Realisations For A Better Life

# 1 · I hadn’t realised just how related a dysfunctional upbringing, along with any negative childhood as well as adult experiences and traumas, can lead to physical – as well as mental – illness and chronic disease. Learning this in 2006 in my first few months of training on Harley St (London) at The Optimum Health Clinic in what I now practice and do for a living, sent me into a nervous breakdown. I really had just thought disease just happens and that I was really unlucky to have been through all of that – and then get chronically ill too. It was a necessary wake up call to face what I had danced around with psychologically in counselling for 4 years – and start dealing with it emotionally in other ways using unconscious tools, on my unconscious mind, to permanently heal it at a deeply unconscious level. It also taught me breakdowns are actually breakthroughs…

# 2 · I hadn’t realised that those traumas, (I took over the newspaper-round of a boy who was abducted and murdered who lived next to one of my best friends, and was then subsequently also followed whilst doing it – which developed into extreme teenage paranoia along with a stammer for good measure) could be successfully treated in other ways other than simply talking about it. The counselling, albeit effective at creating some understanding of myself and my behaviours, had done little to change my emotional reaction to it or any of my other negative internal emotional experiences growing up in a household that used a riding crop and physicality, regularly, for discipline and punishment. EFT became my first self help tool that I became addicted to using on myself. It became less used as I became more peaceful and rational and found other tools, methods and practices that helped me to have more mastery over my psychology and emotional well-being…

# 3 · I hadn’t realised how all of your friends can fall away when you get ill. At 16 I first developed suicidal depression after once being an incredibly talented young athlete who dreamed of going to the Olympics – and was reduced to consistent “resting” and doing part time work for a couple of decades due to being diagnosed with M.E/C.F.S (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and Fibromyalgia, then later Iritis and Reactive Arthritis. Everyone and everything fell away. I went from being respected to misunderstood, loved to “mis-loved” – which I self-labelled during my years of counselling. What I didn’t know back then was I had started an inner journey that would never have begun unless I had been placed in such adversity. The sh*t you go through, really is the manure for tomorrow…

# 4 · I hadn’t realised what my “higher self” was until it kicked in and saved my life when aged 30 with 16 sleeping tablets and 3/4’s of a bottle of spirits in my belly. It occurred when I was released from a month long hospital stay after becoming paralysed mostly down my left hand side with an auto-immune disorder (Reiter’s Syndrome) that German soldiers in the trenches in the First World War were originally diagnosed with. Their annihilation fears and chronic stress levels and squalid conditions invoking such a breakdown of their immune systems. A powerful inner voice simply said “you haven’t done everything yet” – over and over and over – it made me stick my fingers down my throat and I woke up 20 hours later. The voice has been with me ever since guiding me to take positive action, move forward and letting me know I am much more than simply this body of flesh on a stick or this thinking mind…

# 5 · I hadn’t realised just how challenging it is to get back into life when you’ve been in effect cryogenically frozen (through fear) for so long and then defrosted. Erm, the last time I felt as good as this was about 1986..!? I have every confidence I will manifest a healthy and balanced relationship again one day, but equally if I never do then that is fine also. I surrender to my dharma. Each relationship teaches you more about yourself and gifts you a new consciousness – but you must let all of the bad feelings go each time which this work outstandingly assists with. Relationships are like everything else in the material world and vibrationally we can attract anything in when we are in direct resonance with it. Two of my motto’s I created and use all of the time are “Force nothing, allow everything” and “Be your outcome”…

# 6 · I hadn’t realised just how skeptical the majority of people are regarding what I practice. “Here are my written testimonials as well as videos, and with EFT – it’s even been on the BBC TV News – 35/36 patients got better in just 5 sessions“. People like comfort zones and will effectively die trying to save themselves in them. Brits are especially cautious and doubtful – so much more than Americans, it has to get really bad usually for them to start coming. A lot of Brits are caught up in the belief that “if it sounds too good to be true – it probably is”, that’s secondly followed by “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it”. So they continue to struggle along with their crippling limiting beliefs and a whole baggage load of traumas and live in emotional pain-denial they hope will release all by itself – eventually – after another glass of vino – getting more than just a wink off Daz from Dagenham and a cheeky holiday to Magaluf. Those who aren’t afraid and were like me, are a Godsend – literally. It’s why I don’t do free consultations anymore. Wheat, chaff – sorted…

# 7 · I hadn’t realised that the reason why people don’t commit 90% of the time, is not financially related. I charged £20 a session in my first year and most of my clients have always earned a living and weren’t unemployed or students (though those still come occasionally, but are often supported by the bank of Mum and Dad). With experience, results and expertise my fee went up incrementally and the number of clients kept coming. When you charge little, no one respects it – or you… Cancellations at the last minute were common – which always felt so disrespectful and would leave me angry and frustrated. So I then also started doing pre-payment which really worked for both parties, as I was happier and the commitment levels in clients utterly soared as did the outcomes. The fear is if you charge more or ask for money up front you will lose your clientele. Yes you may lose some clients, but you’ll attract a whole new set of clients if you do – and those who can afford you mix with people who could also afford you. If you’re good enough and it’s your profession, you should charge a professional rate. The average amount of sessions clients come for is around 5 – 10 to get the change they’re looking for. So £497 – £994 for permanently changing your brain and massively improving your life so you can always be there to help yourself out of becoming stuck, or in suffering – compared to the thousands people spend on holidays, shopping, alcohol, food, drugs and other tranquilising addictions is a mere drop in ocean. Everything and everyone are exactly in their own time and place. I’ve now made peace with what I currently charge and no way would I have attracted in the current clients I’m blessed with if I was any cheaper…

# 8 · I hadn’t realised so many people are idiots. Potentially a possible highly egoic statement, but lets analyse the word directly from Wikipedia. “An idiot is a person perceived to be lacking intelligence, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way”. How many people do you know who would like a better life, and yet are consistently suffering as they moan, complain and act in self-defeating and significantly counterproductive ways? How many of you have family members you would put into that bracket? How many of you are married to them?! How much intelligence does it take to know it’s your unconscious mind that is the greatest instrument you could ever work on which will ultimately give you the greatest benefits. “Oh Daniel, my husband desperately needs to see you” says a lovely lady. “Well until he sends me an email he will continue to be desperate won’t he? And as lovely as you are, it’s him I need to be speaking to and not your lovely self”. 99.9% of the time he will never contact me. 10% of the time the partner of the troubled spouse will come themselves in the end. 100% of the time I let go, let be and let in. Einstein said “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results”. Yes, some people are insanely idiotic…

# 9 · I hadn’t realised that abundance is a state of Being; it is a trust in the universe – in life. It’s not about having lots of money or earning lots of money. Equally it’s not about living in poverty either. It’s about having a healthy relationship with money – as it’s just an energy. My father was financially successful, he co-owned a factory that employed about 15 people, we lived in a detached five bedroom house that overlooked fields and some school friends would comment about me living in a mansion which would always amaze me. We always had new cars and nice holidays, but we weren’t super-rich, I was one of four children so there were many mouths to feed. I got a tiny bit of pocket money which I had to work for, and thus my unconscious mindset was so that I had 3 part-time incomes by the age of 12. I looked up to my father, partly thinking that one day I wanted to be like him, and then partly that I also had to be like him. But within him I later learned that he also knew he had so much – but he would always feel it wasn’t enough and that he wasn’t “successful”. He’d then go on about me needing to start a pension now as he started his aged 15, and how the guy over the woods who once approached him to go into another joint business venture together, but who he turned down – was now a multi-millionaire with a house 3 times as big as ours. It wasn’t until my Dad was dying of terminal lung cancer aged 57 after attempting to tranquilise all of his stress and childhood issues down for 40 years through smoking (firstly cigarettes, then mainly pipe and cigar) and where all he could do was sit and talk – the very two things he never could do when he was well and chasing the next pound – he confessed to me, “all of this wasn’t worth it” as he looked around at the walls and ceiling. “Everything I wanted was right under my nose, right here”. What he was talking about was family. He never got to see his pension…

# 10 · I hadn’t realised that everything and everyone is consciousness unfolding. My own personal discovery of the Enneagram has led not just me, but many of my clients too, to an awakening that something of a higher intelligence (whether we call that simply Life, the Divine, God, the Universe, the Tao, Love, Allah, the Infinite, All That Is, Yahweh, Wakan Tanka (The Great Spirit), The Home Office or Source) is worthy of surrendering to. Our suffering is trapped in the “I Want”, rather than the unfolding of what is currently happening in the bigger picture and what we are actually being communicated to do, the “Thou Want”. As much as the Enneagram is a useful tool for personality typing, it is vastly more powerful as a tool for transformation and even… enlightenment. By going to our opposite tendency and looking within for what it is we feel we lack, we grow and become healthier in our psychology as we will discover it was there all along. For the ego – which could stand for “everything good is outside” never thinks of looking inside. Transformation is an inside job, and when that occurs – expect peace, happiness and lots of other juicy good things to happen – all by itself…

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